Backflip Studios' Paper Toss World Tour [App Store] finally got approved and is now available for download. Utilizing the same strangely appealing gameplay element of the free Paper Toss [App Store], World Tour takes the show on the road across 8 exotic locales.
Gameplay is basic and simply involves flicking a wad of paper in to a trash can, correcting for the constantly changing wind, and seeing how many shots you can get in a row. There's not much to it, but similar to Doodle Jump [App Store], it's just one of those extremely simple games that you can find yourself spending a ridiculous amount of time playing.
There's not much different in gameplay between the free version of Paper Toss and World Tour. You get more levels, some new music, outdoor wind and weather effects (outside the pyramids you are throwing paper in a sand storm) and some new sounds and animations. World Tour is basically a "premium" version of the original with improved graphics and an unlockable level progression, and is worth a dollar if you want to support the developers or you find yourself amused by silly things like tossing paper in garbage cans outside the Taj Mahal.
Just like the free version, you can upload your scores to the online leaderboards, and it shares the same satisfying metallic thunks when you successfully sink one in to the trash can. If you found yourself enjoying Paper Toss, but felt constrained by the confines of the game's office, you can try taking your throwing skills on the road with World Tour