Main » 2009 » September » 10 » Paper Toss
1:29 AM
Paper Toss

917431_3Backflip Studios' Paper Toss [App Store] has even surprised the developers with its own popularity. Since the game's release, it has been hovering around the top-end of the top 100 downloaded free games with over 6 million total downloads.

Offering a fun and extremely simple gameplay element that anyone who has ever worked in an office knows all too well, Paper Toss has you literally tossing paper in to a garbage can. It's not that easy though, in this virtual office your coworkers are constantly changing the location and speed of a small fan, so you have wind to deal with while you attempt to make your shots in to the nearby trash can.

Paper Toss is a fantastic free game. Backflip Studios has additional plans for the Paper Toss franchise, and just today released a video for the upcoming Paper Toss: World Tour where you will be able to take your paper tossing skills on a jet setting adventure, stopping at various exotic locales to toss crumpled paper in to garbage cans.

Paper Toss: World Tour was submitted to the App Store last night, and will be available whenever Apple gets finished doing their thing. At 99 cents, World Tour seems like it will be worth picking up for fans of the original just because it doesn't get more ridiculous than tossing paper in to trash cans outside the Great Pyramid or the Taj Mahal.

If this is the first time you've heard of Paper Toss, go ahead and download it now. Also, while you're at it, check out Backflip Studios' other game, Ragdoll Blaster.

App Store Link: Paper Toss, Free

Category: Sports | Views: 446 | Added by: Qaramello | Rating: 0.0/0
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