Main » 2009 » September » 11 » TRANSFORMERS 2
0:18 AM

Spoiler! They killed Megatron at the end of the first Transformers movie. When the house lights came on in the theater, I felt an overwhelming sense of confusion wash over me. What were they going to do for Transformers 2 without Megatron!?

Well, somebody figured something out because the Trailer for Transformers 2 has been released! (I wonder if the subtle subtitle "Revenge of the Fallen" means anything...)

Like any good trailer, we have lots of explosions, wide, expansive landscapes and--

Wait a second, this trailer seems a bit familiar. I feel like I've seen these elements somewhere...

The destruction of Paris...


A murky underwater shot...


A calamitous crash through a mundane scene...


Shiny metallic title logo...


Oh boy. Did I call it or did I call it when I said: "The new G.I. Joe movie is a lot like the Transformers movie: a highly anticipated big-budget summer blockbuster based on an 80s cartoon series that was originally made for the sole purpose of selling toys."

Paramount has a formula and they're going to stick to it! So what if the G.I. Joe trailer and the Transformers 2 trailers "borrow" facets from each other? Paramount is just making sure that you know the G.I. Joe movie will be just as good as the Transformers movie. ("Buy tickets now.")

To be fair, the Transformers 2 trailer is twice as long as the G.I. Joe trailer, and we get twice as much of the Autobots and Decepticons than we do of the over-exposed Shia LaBeouf, which is all most of us really want anyway.

Category: BONUS Movies | Views: 689 | Added by: Qaramello | Rating: 0.0/0
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